Dental implants are popular teeth restoration methods that promise stability and durability. They involve replacing a missing tooth with artificial teeth to enhance a patient’s appearance and oral health. Dental implants are surgically installed in the jawbone to serve as roots for the artificial teeth. Dental crowns are placed over them to complete the tooth restoration. While dental implants offered by a Maryville dentist are not cheap, they are worth the money. They can last more than twenty ears when you take care of them properly. To ensure your dental implants last for the longest time possible, here are tips you should consider:
Get Your Implants from the Right Dentist
Implant dentistry requires precision and care to ensure success. While a lot of dentists are qualified to carry out the implant procedure, a dentist who specializes in this procedure can guarantee the longevity of your implant. So, make sure you do your homework first before you choose a dentist.
Following the Post-Procedure Instructions of Your Dentist
To avoid issues with your dental implant after the procedure, follow the aftercare instructions of your dentist. These instructions are meant to promote healing, guarantee the durability of your implants, and avoid complications.
Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Dental implants require the same care as your natural teeth. Thus, they can last a lifetime when you brush and floss your teeth regularly every day, as well as visit your dentist for checkups and cleanings. These oral hygiene practices will get rid of dental plaque, minimizing your risk of dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. In turn, this can preserve the stability of your implants.
Keep a Healthy Lifestyle
Did you know that your overall health and oral health are connected? According to studies, gum disease is associated with severe health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Experts suggest that staying physically active and eating healthy diets improve both oral and overall health. In turn, this helps your implants last.
Don’t Skip Your Dental Appointments
You should consider your dentist as your partner in maintaining your oral health. Each of your dental visits allows your dentist to clean areas of your mouth that are not easy to reach and get rid of tartar buildups. Also, they can pay attention to and catch dental cavities, gum disease signs, and other dental problems early. The sooner a dental issue is diagnosed and treated, the better chance of avoiding implant complications.