Dental cavities can occur. But a Burlington, Ontario family dentist can use fillings for treating cavities and restoring your smile. Although tooth-colored fillings are made to be stable for a while, they can fall out. This can happen for many reasons. When this happens to you, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. A bad filling can cause pain or sensitivity and can affect your chewing ability. 

Reasons Dental Fillings Come Loose

There are many reasons your fillings come loose. This can happen due to a cavity developing around or under the filling or teeth grinding at night. Also, you may need to see a dentist to correct a loose filling after a facial injury, accident, or trauma, hard chewing, consumption of crunchy foods, and chemical reactions that impact the integrity of your filling. 

Signs Your Fillings Have Fallen Out

The following are signs it’s time to see a doctor for a new filling:

  • Sudden pain. If your filling has fallen out, the tissues underneath it are exposed to cold, heat, pressure, or air, making the treated tooth vulnerable. If it is difficult to ignore the pain, take over-the-counter pain relievers and contact your dentist for an appointment. 
  • Tooth crack or hole. You may have lost your filling if you see a hole or crack in the treated tooth. Before your dental appointment, gargle with salt water to minimize any bacteria buildup or inflammation. 
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold. If your fillings have fallen out, you will notice heightened sensitivity whenever you consume something hot or cold. Until your appointment, do not consume any food or drinks that can irritate the treated tooth. Also, try not to chew on this area. As long as you schedule an appointment with your dentist, you won’t have to be uncomfortable for long. 
  • Trapped food. Sometimes, food can be trapped in the teeth following a snack or meal. And it’s the same when your dental filling has fallen out. Bits of food can become stuck in the teeth of the filling site. Contact your dentist so they can give you a new filling. This way, you don’t have to deal with the intimidating experience that comes with having food trapped in your teeth. 

Do not wait to contact your dentist. They will check the treated tooth, clean the area, and put a new tooth-colored filling on it. This way, you can enjoy a beautiful smile again without some discomfort.