Teenage and young adult drivers pay the highest car insurance rates due to a lack of experience behind the wheel. But steep premiums are not unavoidable. Insure younger motorists for less by shopping smart, driving responsibly, and selecting custom policies.

Start your insurance search early

Make sure you have insurance before you buy a car or get your license. Begin comparing rates several months in advance. Both national and local companies can be thoroughly researched. Rushing to buy expensive insurance right as you start driving is an avoidable mistake. Enroll in a defensive driving class through a local provider or online program. Show your certificate of completion when you are getting Car insurance quotes. Safer driving lowers your risk profile in the eyes of insurers. Defensive driving shows responsibility. Most insurers offer reduced premiums for teenagers who maintain a B average or better in high school or college. Ensure you ask providers about good student discounts and supply your latest report card or transcript as evidence of qualification.

Consider pay-per-mile insurance

Usage-based or pay-per-mile insurance charges premiums based on actual driving data rather than demographics. However, frequent driving or behaviors like speeding and rapid acceleration could increase rates. Pay-per-mile insurance works best for those with limited regular access to a vehicle. Some insurers offer policies listing teens as occasional drivers of parents’ cars rather than their policy. Premiums are lower since factors like parents’ driving records, age, and credit profiles balance out the risk. Ensure the shared access provides the coverage teens need. Parent-teen policies offer savings by grouping new drivers with experienced adults. Insurers assign a risk rating to every vehicle. Opting for an affordably priced and safety-focused car with high crash test ratings helps lower premiums. New vehicles with advanced safety technology cost less to insure too. Pass on high-performance cars which have very elevated rates. Prioritize safety and reliability over power.

Limit your miles driven

The more you drive, the greater your risk exposure. Try carpooling or using public transportation when possible to reduce mileage. Set limits for higher-risk nighttime driving for teens. Any tickets, collisions, or violations quickly spike insurance premiums for young drivers. Take defensive driving courses after mistakes to help offset rate increases. Waiting until your record improves again before getting your policy saves money. Opting in to paperless billing and setting up automatic monthly payments from your checking account provides small discounts for being a low-maintenance customer. Insurers reward conveniences that cut down on their administration costs. Simple discounts add up.

Qualify for the multi-policy discount

Placing both your homeowners or renters’ coverage along with your auto policy with the same provider earns a multi-policy discount. Insurers want to keep your business so they incentivize you to bundle. Just ensure the multi-policy rate is lower than keeping home and auto separate before switching. While higher liability limits cost more, they prevent huge out-of-pocket bills if you cause an accident. Don’t just stick with minimum required limits which often provide inadequate protection. Keeping credit reports accurate, managing debt responsibly, and making payments on time helps young drivers earn ratings that qualify for lower premiums. Don’t let poor credit needlessly inflate your costs.