If you are a business owner, you need to get your finances in line so that you can take vital decisions for the growth of your business. Certain tasks are complex, such as tax preparation, filing, and maintaining financial data. In this case, you need to hire professionals who are well-versed in financial management. Your business needs a qualified CPA in Herndon, VA, who can manage the complex task and help you in running your business smoothly.
Who is a CPA?
CPA stands for certified public accountant and manages the tax-related activities in your company, such as tax filing and preparations, answers questions related to the company’s finances, and helps save your money. A CPA passes out a CPA exam apart from holding an accounting degree. Besides that, he is well-versed with the tax laws of the state and has a license to operate in various parts.
Jobs of a CPA
He is a financial professional who performs a number of jobs. All of these jobs are critical to your business, and hiring him can ensure that your business runs smoothly because financial health can be improved to a great extent. Some of these jobs are elaborated on below:
- Tax advice, planning, and filing- Taxes are an important part of any business. As a business owner, you might not be aware of tax laws. These professionals are licensed to handle all taxes for your business. He will file the taxes, plan for the coming year and perform recordkeeping.
- Tax compliance- When you file taxes, you may not know the different slabs for tax deductions. Since he is aware of tax laws, he ensures that tax filing and finances are compliant with regulations and laws. He plays a vital role in removing errors and hence, avoids audits.
- Consultations- He is the best financial advisor if you are planning to expand your business and need to look into the money readily available for the investment.
- Bookkeeping- Without well-organized data, your business cannot yield more profits. A CPA ensures that your financial data is properly maintained and reviews it throughout the year.
These professionals handle vital tasks for your business because they have extensive knowledge of accounting, bookkeeping, tax laws, and payroll. By hiring them, you can rest assured that the financial health of your company is maintained for a long time. You should interview a few of them to hire the best one.