Thinking of building a data centre? Well, there are some must-haves you need to think about. It could be a daunting task at first, but if you follow the five data centre must-have(s), reaching your goal will be easy.
The success of the project depends on you abiding by all the must-have(s). Needless to say, you would need a good architect for this project. Perhaps you can skim through Stendel Reich data center architecture projects.
Now, let’s take a look at the five must-haves when building a data centre.
The 5 Must-Haves
#1 Adaptability and Scalability
Is your data centre scalable? Your data centre should have room to grow – it should not be difficult in the near future. Think ahead of time and don’t just focus on the present.
Do you see yourself expanding into the cloud? Discuss it with your team and make sure you talk about scalability and adaptability.
#2 The Ideal Location
The location of the data centre is important. You need to consider the geographical placement and physical site. Underground centers are better as compared to over-the-ground data centres. Why? There’s temperature regulation and protection against disasters. Operational costs will be way less when you have an underground location for the data centre.
Speak to your architect about the design (just in case you are going for the underground data centre).
#3 Getting on-site IT support
The data centre should have on-site IT support to take care of everything. They will be able to handle all the technical issues while you are not present at the data centre. There are many day-to-day services that one needs to take care of like rebooting devices and servers, hardware deployment, etc.
#4 Protecting your data is of utmost importance.
It doesn’t matter what type of company you own – you would need to ensure that your data is protected. Invest in security measures such as facial recognition, advanced biometrics, key code system, dual authentication, in-room motion sensors, dual login, etc.
#5 Enhanced power supply
You need a reliable power supply at all costs. Make sure you check the space/location – it should be able to provide an uninterrupted power supply.
The prospective data centre should be energy star certified.
Concluding Thoughts
Building a data centre isn’t going to be a cakewalk, but there are some things you need to take care of.
Make sure there is an uninterrupted power supply, and the location is ideal. Keeping on-site IT support is equally important to ensure that everything runs smoothly while you are away. An architect will be able to help you design the data centre that you’ve always imagined. So, get everything right in the beginning and save yourself from all the trouble.